St Ita's Primary School Drouin
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50 Victoria Street
Drouin VIC 3818

Phone: 03 5623 7222

T4 W1 2020 Newsletter

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T4 W1 2020 Newsletter


We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we are situated and remind you that we are gathered on Aboriginal land.

We acknowledge the Elders of this land both past and present.




This notice is for Parents of all Grade 6 students whose children have received their First Holy Communion and are wishing for their child to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. As you know from previous notices and emails it has become necessary to deliver our workshops online this year due to the uncertainty of when restrictions will be lifted for churches. The sacrament team have decided it is important to ensure all preparation is completed this year so we can go ahead with the celebration of Confirmation as soon as possible, either later this year or as soon as possible next year. This also includes the families who have decided they would like their child to receive the sacrament next year.

Please note our Confirmation Parent & Child Information session will be held on this coming Tuesday, October 13th via Zoom at 7pm. All Confirmation families will receive an invitation by email, 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. The meeting will start promptly at 7pm.

The Sacrament Team sent out an email which includes two attachments. One of the attachments is a Confirmation Preparation PDF for parents to share with their child prior to the information night. Please advise us if you have not received this important email. We suggest you check your spam folder first as a couple of parents have advised us they found the above email in their spam folder.

If you find you have received no correspondence from please text your name and your Confirmation candidates (child) name plus your email address to Therese on 0439 306 642 by this Friday, October 9th informing us you haven’t received our emails. We can then send you this email and any further correspondence.

Thank you so much for your cooperation, we are looking forward to seeing you via Zoom on Tuesday October 13th.

For any inquiries please contact Thérèse on 0439 306 642.

Many are called, few are chosen


Matthew is big on allegory in this disturbing, sometimes absurdly unrealistic parable full of unexpected twists and turns (Matt 22:1-14). Taken literally it reads as an uncompromising piece of scripture, without wriggle room, about ungrateful invitees, murder of the King’s messengers, the King’s revenge and finally the seemingly harsh ejection of the guest from the crossroads who isn’t dressed appropriately.

What is Matthew saying for our benefit here? Distinguished theologian, Karl Barth, tells us, “In the last resort, it all boils down to the fact that the invitation is to a feast, and that he who does not obey and come accordingly, and therefore festively, declines and spurns the invitation no less than those who are unwilling to obey and appear at all.” (Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, II/2 (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1957), 588). Rather than God, who loves us all absolutely, infinitely and intimately, rejecting us, we with our free will can reject or refuse him.

Who, invited to a sumptuous feast, an amazing party, then refuses to participate? Well – us, if we are casually coasting along without dressing in our party dress and getting with the program. If we find ourselves at this wonderful party of life in God, then we need to be active in it. Luke’s gospel tells us (Luke 12:48) “To whom much is given, much will be required’. If we have been given much, as we have, in family, nation, talents, wealth, health, knowledge and time, then we are responsible for how we use those gifts. All has been given to the ill-clad guest but he is refusing to participate. To party!

To party with the Lord is to fully embrace our gifts; using them as best we can for the glory of God and the well-being of our neighbour. How can I take up my invitation; shake off my rags of injustice, my less good self, and dress in the clothes of a new, more loving person?

Deacon Mark Kelly


Check out our Catholic Parishes of Warragul & Drouin Facebook presence.



    Could I please ask everyone in the St Ita’s community to keep Mrs Robyn Lewry and her family in your thoughts and prayers ?  Robyn is a staff member who always goes above and beyond to look after and support the well-being of others in our learning community through her care and her kind words and actions. We ask God to look over Robyn’s family and comfort them as they work through an extremely tough and challenging time.


          Welcome back to the last term of the 2020 school year. The last two terms have been unique Australia wide as we have battled and conditioned ourselves to work with the Coronavirus.

          As a learning community, we are mindful that many of our students will need time to transition back into the norms of day-to-day schooling whilst following strict hygiene conditions and requirements relating to the virus.

          Whilst it’s important that we make sure we identify where students are with their academics and work to advance them over the course of the term, it is equally important that we keep an eye on the social and emotional development of all our children as we transition back to full time face to face learning.

          If you notice that your child is struggling please make sure you contact your child’s teacher and let them know your concerns and we will work together to support the transition back into the classroom.

          Yesterday I sent home to all parents and carers, a set of guidelines that the St Ita's office will operate under during Term 4. I would ask all adults in our learning community to read the guidelines below and support us to help keep St Ita’s a safe, Covid-free teaching and learning environment.


          To assist with the 1.5m physical distancing of all adults & keeping our school staff safe as we commence to return to school this week, we will continue limiting parent and delivery access to the front administration / reception office to all visitors and parents. We ask all parents to contact Admin where possible via email or by phone on 5623 7222.

          If you do need to come into the office, we are requesting you do so by appointment only by calling the office prior to your arrival on the number listed above.

          All parents & visitors to St Ita's are requested to wait out the front of the Administration office until a staff member allows you access & we advise only 2 visitors will be permitted into the front reception area at any one time adhering to the 1.5m physical distancing rule from others.

          We have set up a table in the area between the two automatic doors at the front entrance. This table is to be used for parents that need to drop anything off at the office or collect something left for them by prior arrangement, that otherwise do not need to access the Reception area.

          If you require to collect something from school, please contact your child’s teacher, school admin or the relevant staff member regarding your request. They will notify you when it will be ready to collect - from this front table either on the wire rack (or a box underneath) clearly marked with your surname - so you can quickly and easily just pop in the first door, collect and leave without having to access through the second door into Reception. (You do not need an appointment or do not need to call on arrival to collect an item that has already been pre-arranged for collection from this table area. If you have not pre-arranged a collection, you will need to do so first by calling Admin on 5623 7222 prior to arrival.)

          Parents can also drop off items via this same method, leaving it in the tray on this table or in the box underneath - please clearly address who it is for - Teacher /staff name, student name or admin etc. Please do not enter the second door into Reception unless you have called to make a prior arrangement. Anything urgent or important, please send the relevant staff member a quick message via email/dojo/text to advise that it will be left at the drop-off point. Otherwise, Admin will check this as necessary throughout the day and pass on to the relevant staff member.

          For example, you may need to drop off: Enrolment forms, student work, forgotten lunches... this can be done without an appointment and left at this table area if you do not need to see anyone. If you do need to speak to a staff member or need to enter the Reception area, you will need to call prior to arrival on 56237222.

          Students arriving late to school after 9am - must be accompanied by a parent to the front automatic door & to advise of the reason for their late arrival. (or please call from the front car park). Admin will let the students in and Admin will sign them in on the iPad & the students will take a late pass to their teacher. Parents will not be permitted to come into the Reception area and can leave once Admin have acknowledged their late arrival.

          Students needing to leave early - Parents will need to contact the class teacher before 1pm via dojo/email or call the Admin office at any time to arrange an early collection of their child. Children will wait at the office at the advised pick up time and be signed out by Admin. Parents will need to wait outside of the front admin office to collect their child/ren & accompany them off site. Children will not leave the office until parents are outside the building.

          Absences - please don't forget to advise of any students absences, providing the day and the reason for their absence. Teachers can be sent a dojo / email / schoolzine website prior to 9am. If after 9am, please notify the office before 10.30am via schoolzine website / email / phone to avoid a follow up phone call regarding their absence from school.

          Thank you for your co-operation & please contact the office on phone: 5623 7222 or via email  for any assistance.


          If your child is sick or unwell, we ask that you keep them at home until the illness has cleared for at least 24 hours. Please do not send your child to school, if they have symptoms such as fever, elevated body temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea. We thank you for your support in this space.



          This term the school will be closed on the Grand Final Day Eve Public Holiday & the Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday as well as a school closure day for report writing on Monday 2nd November, the day prior to Melbourne Cup Day. Students do not attend school on these days as the school will be closed.

          The school will be closed for students on the following days: 
          Friday 23rd October - AFL Grand Final Day Eve Public Holiday
          Monday 2nd November - Report Writing School Closure Day
          Tuesday 3rd November - Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday

          SCHOOL CAMPS

          We are pleased to advise that both the Grade 4 Camp and the Grade 5/6 Camp will be going ahead this term. More details will be advised within the next week.



          Friday 16th October is

          SOCK IT to POVERTY DAY at St Ita's.

          Students are requested to: 

          • bring a Gold coin donation  
          • & come to school dressed in their uniform with crazy socks.

          Money raised will go to Catholic Mission in support of children in need.



          The Conveyance Allowance application is now open for term 4 for any families that have not already completed an application for this year and they qualify for the travel allowance as per the criteria below.

          You may apply to claim this Government Allowance if:

          • You live more than 4.8 kilometres by the shortest practical route from our school and we are the closest Catholic school to your place of residence.
          • You live more than 4.8 kilometres from our school and you cannot access a bus.
          • You access a bus and live more than 4.8 kilometres from the bus stop.

          You must lodge a new application each year. If you have already completed an application for 2020 you do not need to apply again for this year unless your details have changed.

          Eligibility is assessed when the School completes your child’s application on the Government Student Conveyance Allowance System (SCAS). If approved, the allowance payable is based on the one way distance to make the journey to and from school. No private car allowance is payable if the journey to and from school could be made using a public transport service or contract school bus. For further information regarding the Conveyance Allowance Program see:

          Please complete the Conveyance Allowance application form and return to the school office by Friday 16th October 2020. Late claims cannot be accepted.


          The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

          • school camps or trips
          • swimming and school-organised sport programs
          • outdoor education programs
          • excursions and incursions.

          From 2020, the Victorian Government is investing an additional $160.9 million for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund over the next four years. This funding will help ensure more than 220,000 government and non-government students from lower-income families are able to participate in camps, sports and excursions each year.

          Who can apply

          Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. 

          For any families that have recently received a Government means-tested health care concession card, please forward a copy of your card to the office to check your eligibility, as the CSEF & a fee concession may apply. The card must be in the name of the parent/fee payer with the student listed on the card, for a fee concession to apply. 

          If you have already notified the office of your Concession Card this year, you do not need to apply again - unless your details or circumstances have changed.

          New applications - please complete the CSEF application form and return to the school office along with a copy of your Concession Card by Friday 16th October.

          SCHOOL FEES

          Term 4 school fees are now due & payable by Friday 30th October. All 2020 school fees must be paid in full by December 2020. An updated fee statement will be sent to all families this week. If you are on a direct debit plan, please use this statement as a reference only and contact the office if you require any amendments to your plan.

          The 2021 school fee schedule is also available on Care Monkey.

          If any families would like to set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit schedule for next year, please complete the Direct Debit Form and return to the school office at your earliest convenience or prior to 01 December 2020. Please calculate the total fees payable by the number of weeks/payments required. For any assistance please contact the school Admin office via email on:

          For any families that have recently received a Government means-tested health care concession card, please forward a copy of your card to the office to check your eligibility, as a fee concession may apply. The card must be in the name of the parent/fee payer for a fee concession to apply. 

          If your current Health Care card is due to expire this year and your card is re-issued, please send a copy of your new card details to the office as soon as possible for the concession to be checked and applied for next year's fees, if not already done so.

          For any families impacted financially by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and/or have concerns about your financial situation regarding school fees, please contact Mr Andrew Osler on 5623 7222 during the hours of 9am-3pm Monday to Friday, or via email: so that he can explore confidential financial support arrangements with you.



          The Schoolpix School Photos will take place on Wednesday 18th November.

          Please make sure all students are neatly presented, wearing their full summer uniform with black school shoes and school jumpers. Grade 6 students are required to wear their bomber jacket in place of the jumper. All students with long hair must tie their hair neatly back using our school colours: red, white, blue or black.

          TERM 4 UNIFORM

          The wearing of the St Ita's Summer Uniform commences in Term 4.

          Due to the unpredictable weather conditions during October & due to the shortage of some uniform supplies from Beleza, either the full Summer or full Winter uniform is permitted to be worn during the start of Term 4. (please do not mix and match). All students must be in full summer uniform for our school photo day on Wednesday 18th November.

          Please make sure all students are wearing black school shoes daily (with no visible/colourful logos) except for your child's class PE day, when the Sport Uniform with white socks and runners are to be worn instead. 

          All students must wear a school hat with logo to/from school and during outside activities, no matter which uniform is worn, during term 4. All students with long hair must tie their hair neatly back using our school colours: red, white, blue or black.

          If your child is to be out of uniform, please send a note or dojo to the class teacher advising a reason why. 

          The school office does have some second-hand uniform items for sale. Please enquire via email.

          Girls Summer Uniform Girls Winter Uniform

          Red and white gingham dress

          Blue tartan tunic 

          (optional navy blue school pants)

          White socks - long or ankle

          (not low cut socks)

          Royal blue polo shirt with school logo

          Royal blue jumper with school logo

          Navy blue tights or navy blue long socks

          Black lace-up or buckle, leather shoes

          (no visible/colourful logos)

          Royal blue jumper with school logo

          Long hair neatly tied back using school colours: red, white, blue or black

          Black lace-up or buckle, leather shoes

          (no visible/colourful logos)

          Royal blue hat with school logo  Long hair neatly tied back using school colours: red, white, blue or black
          Grade 6 only - Navy blue bomber jacket with school logo  Grade 6 only - Navy blue bomber jacket with school logo 
          Boys Uniform Sport Uniform
          Dark grey trousers or dark grey shorts

          Red sport polo shirt with school logo

          Royal blue polo shirt with school logo

          Royal blue: shorts, skort, netball skirt or tracksuit pants

          Grey socks (not low cut)

          White ankle socks (not low cut) 

          Royal blue jumper with school logo Royal blue jumper with school logo

          Black lace-up or buckle, leather shoes or boots (no visible/colourful logos)

          Sports shoes/runners (any colour)
          Long hair neatly tied back using school colours: red, white, blue or black Long hair neatly tied back using school colours: red, white, blue or black

          Royal blue hat with school logo (Term 1 & 4)

          Royal blue hat with school logo (Term 1 & 4)

          Grade 6 only - Navy blue bomber jacket with school logo  Grade 6 only - Navy blue bomber jacket with school logo 



          The school canteen is open as normal for lunch orders every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please order via Flexischools.



          A reminder to all parents that St Ita’s is a nut free environment. We have several students in our school with a severe food allergy including anaphylaxis to nuts. This is a medical condition that causes a severe / even fatal reaction to specific foods. These reactions can be triggered by contact, ingestion or inhalation.

          We ask all parents to refrain from sending nuts or nut products in their children’s lunch and snack. This includes Nutella, peanut butter and nuts contained in cakes or snack bars. We thank you for supporting us as we look to keep all children in our school safe, healthy and well.

          SCHOOL NURSE

          The Department of Education & Training Primary School Nursing Program offers a health assessment to all students in their first year of school.  The Health nurse, Sarah Howes will be visiting our Foundation students later this term. Parents with a student in Foundation this year would have received yesterday a Questionaire to complete and return to school. Please return all forms to their classroom teacher or the school office by Friday 16th October.

          by Cath McKenna

          Book Week & Dress up Day

          We will be celebrating Book Week on Monday October 19th

          On this day we ask your child to come to school dressed up as a book character or to the theme Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. You can check some ideas here.

          This year we won’t be having a Book Week assembly or parade, but rather activities in the classroom.


          The Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Week will be celebrated from October 17th- 23rd. We have been exploring the Shortlisted books in Library lessons and during Book Week the book award winners will be announced!



          To celebrate the AFL Grand Final, all students are invited to wear to school their favourite footy team colours on Thursday 22nd October instead of their school uniform. (Please note the school is closed on Friday 23rd October for the AFL Grand Final Day Eve Public Holiday.)



